There is no better feeling than actually closing a sale, right? You feel a sense of accomplishment, you have done everything right and now all your hard work is paying off.

You feel like Daniel Larusso after he beat up the Kobra Kai crew in Karate Kid.

You’re literally the best around, and nothing is gonna ever keep you down.

After all, you did all the hard work perfectly. You generated leads, defined a public audience, and launched a fantastic marketing campaign that connected with the right people at the right time.

Now you are beginning to see the fruits of your labor and you’re landing a couple of sales, that is all very exciting!

But slow down Daniel San.

To actually keep making consistent sales in a foreseeable future, you must first master the art of “closing” sales.


The Art Of Closing Sales

One of the most asked questions in marketing is “how to close sales deals?”

We’ve all been there, you got your client interested in your product, but as soon as he starts talking to you, he appears to change his mind.

As you see that failed sale leaving the door, you start asking yourself if you’re the one to blame.

Well, you could be.

“Closing” is undoubtedly the area that requires the most skills in marketing. After all, we are no longer dealing with numbers and statistics; we are dealing with people, and people are weird and inconsistent.

And it is your job as a marketer to convince and persuade a customer into actually closing the deal.

It takes special people to know exactly how to close sales deals. For that reason, closers are some of the better-paid professionals in marketing.

To actually become a good closer, you must first put together a closing framework that will help you in your sales.

A closing framework is basically a set of rules that you must follow in order to convince your customer that you’re the best option in the market.

My Closing Framework

Do you want to actually to learn how to close sales?

I got you covered.

I’m about to share the secret closing framework that helped me close over 137 sales deals over my lifetime, so pay attention!

Giving credit where credit is due, I got this framework from Alex Hormozi, an Iranian-American entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist, who also happens to be a marketing genius.

Hormozi’s closing Framework titled C-L-O-S-E-R follows 6 simple steps that will help you immensely when trying to close a deal with a client.

Clarify why they are there

Label them with a problem

Overview their past pain

Sell them the vacation

Explain away their concerns

Reinforce their decision

Step 1: Clarify why they are there.

This first step is pretty self-explanatory. You as the salesman will want to reinforce that the client is contacting you for a good reason.

You want to ensure that your client knows he needs to be there. This makes the potential buyer feel like he made the right thing contacting you.

A good practice is following the step in the first moments that you interact with your client.

Questions like “What made you come in today?”, “Why is that important to you?” or “What is your goal right now?” are good examples of how you can remind the customer that he is in there for good reason.

We never want to plainly state our intentions to the client. A good closer only leads the way and allows the customer to reach the conclusions by himself.

Step 2: Label them with a problem.

Not only will you want to remind the customer why he is there, but you will also need to reinforce the notion that the customer is at a disadvantage that only you can solve.

In this step, you will often find yourself reinforcing the issues that your client shared with you in step 1. You want to not only know that the customer really has a problem, but that you also sympathize with him.

Step 3: Overview their past pain

In this step, you want to reach out to the client and ask him how has he tried to deal with this problem in the past. By this action, you will be forcing the client to relive the pain that he had to go through with whatever problem he had before contacting you.

Questions such as “What have you tried so far?”, “How long did you do it for?” and “How did that work for you?” are great choices for you.

On top of that, you will want to emphasize that this issue they had been having is not their fault. They only have been missing a piece of the equation, the piece you’re about to offer him.

Step 4: Sell them the vacation

After clearing out that the client has a problem, it’s time to begin with the most important step.

In this step, you’ll want to “sell them the vacation”, and by vacation, we mean showing the client the benefits that he will have if he so chooses to make business with you.

The client has already admitted that he has a problem, which means you have the upper hand and only you can solve this problem.

In this step you have to sell them the good part of doing business with you, all the advantages the client will have in his life or in his work.

One important thing to note is: Don’t be overly technical!

For instance, let’s say your client said that he is been having issues with an old copying machine.

In this step, you will want to avoid talking “technical talk” like the hardware upgrades that a new copying machine has.

Instead, talk about how an acquaintance you know got himself a modern copying machine that drastically improved productivity in his office.

According to Alex Hormozi, the goal is to sell the vacation, not the plane fight.

In other words, you’ll want to sell them the good part without boring them!

Step 5: Explain away their concerns

In this step, the client will start to question if the purchase is really a good idea for him. As we all do when we’re out to buy something, the client will start mentally highlighting potential barriers regarding the deal.

You as the salesperson will want to once again guide the customer in the sales direction.

For instance, instead of talking about the price, you will want to explain the value of that product. Instead of numbers, you will talk about goals that that product or deal can accomplish.

If you’re selling a car, you will not want to talk about how much it costs, but actually how efficient that car is, and how good that car owner is perceived in society.

You wouldn’t sell a Ferrari talking about how it costs half a million dollars right? You would talk about how much status you can gain by being the owner of such a unique vehicle.

A good salesperson will break the impediments made by the customer and at the same time, move the goalposts to a more favorable argument.

Step 6: Reinforce their decision

After you successfully landed the sale, your goal is to now make that client a regular.

In order to do that, you’ll want to not only guarantee that the client had a good purchasing experience but you will also want to make sure that the client considers you his go-to whenever he needs to purchase something else.

People decide within the first 48 hours after the initial sale if they will ever buy again from your company. You have to use that timeframe to your advantage.

There are several different ways to do that.

A good example would be to send the client a video message asking how he is and if he needs anything else related to the product or service he purchased. You can also send him handwritten cards thanking him for the purchase.

Basically, you want to make the customer feel that he or she is important to the sales company, and that, if needed, you will go out of your way to make sure the client has a good experience.


This closing framework is undoubtedly one of the best tools available to make an ordinary salesman into a high-level selling machine!

I was able to close several high-paying sales using those techniques, and so can you!

If you ever wondered “how to close sales deals” in the past, I highly advise that you take a closer look at that closing framework.

You don’t need to memorize it, you need to understand it. This way, you can tweak a few of those rules to develop your own closing framework that will work specifically for you.

About the Author: Kevin Sozanski

Kevin Sozanski got into sales in 2013 and hasn't looked back since. Doing anything sales-related makes his brain's neurons fire and brings a spark to his eyes.
Published On: August 4th, 2022 / Categories: Sales /

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