Cold emailing is still one of the best processes for marketers. In fact, In fact, 90% of marketers consider cold emailing their primary way of lead generation. 

To succeed at cold emailing, having good email subject lines for networking is crucial.

For this reason, it is essential to know several email subject lines examples in order to have a good email opening rate during your cold emailing approach.


Why the subject line is important

Nowadays, email inboxes are filled with spam, boring marketing offers, social media notifications, and all kinds of stuff. It’s really easy to get your email unnoticed in the middle of all this trash.

And you worked too damn hard to have your email lost in the spam folder alongside emails about penis enlargement pills, right?

The subject line is the small text that appears in the “subject” section of the email. The subject line is important because it is the first thing the client sees in his email inbox.

The client will decide in a split second if the email is worth opening or not. This is a great idea to have several quality email subject lines for networking.


Email subject lines best practices

There are a few rules to keep in check to great email subject lines for networking.

Keeping them short will make sure that it has good readability. If your message is too long, it will likely be cut in half by the email service platform, and by that drastically decreasing the chance of it getting open.

Another best practice would be to add a “personal” touch to the email. People are much more likely to open an email if they believe it is directed especially to them.

Studies show that an email with the recipient’s name in the subject line gets opened 50% more.

And finally, use proper grammar and tone of voice. That might seem like a given, but you will be surprised at how many marketers get this wrong.

You obviously want to keep your grammar and capitalization in check. Another important thing to note is that you shouldn’t overuse the tone. 

Emails with excessive exclamation points or emails with text emojis in them will almost certainly be seen as spam.


Email subject lines examples

If you looking for a headstart in your cold emailing techniques, or you just want to improve your game in email subject lines for networking, we have developed a list for you.

Here are some email subject lines examples that can help you get a better email opening rate for your cold emails.


Greeting Email Subject Line

When you meet someone new, you usually greet him, right?

If you don’t, you should. Don’t be rude.

When dealing with professional emails, often you have connections to the recipient of the email. In this case, greeting and introducing yourself in the subject line would be a good idea.

You don’t have to say your name in the subject line plainly. There are several ways of introducing yourself. 

You can introduce yourself by common interest with the recipient. 

Let’s say that the recipient, in this case, a man named Albert, shared on social media articles about camping.

In this case, you could write something like

Hey Albert, fellow camper here. Would love to connect.”

The common interest you and Albert shared in the subject line drastically raises the chances of Albert opening the email.

You can take that approach to several other places. 

What if Albert has recently written an article about his place of business?

 “Hello Albert, I’m interested in learning more about your article (Article’s URL)”

You can also get a specific subject of that article and talk about it in the subject line. This shows that you took the time to really read what he had to say.

Greetings Albert, looking for advice about (specific article subject)”

There are several different approaches that can be made. The goal here is to try and approach the recipient while sounding genuinely interested in him or his work.


Follow-Up Subject Lines

Let’s say you sent the first email to your client. Now what? 

What do you do now, give up and move on to the next one? 

No mate, there are no quitters here!

We are expecting to be ignored in the first email.

That’s why follow-up emails are so important. It’s those emails that you get to start building a connection with your potential client.

If you got a response from the client and got to talk about your business through a phone call, you can then send him another email with subject lines like:

Hey, Albert! Loved our chat. Just following up from (your location)”


“Hey Albert, (your name) here, how are you doing?”

Or, you can simply state your name in the follow-up subject line:

“Hello Albert, this is (your name)”

The email recipient is already aware of you, which means you can feel free to be more casual.



What’s important to note is that there are no right or wrong email subject lines for networking. You’d be better off not just copying subject line examples online but instead working on finding out what makes the most sense in your approach.

A big part of networking is keeping in touch with potential clients. So you will want to keep the conversation going with them.

Who knows, maybe you and Albert might end up being good friends in the end, so enjoy the process.


About the Author: Giovane Fugazza

Giovane Fugazza started studying marketing in college in 2014. Today he works as a sales writer from Brazil and specializes in marketing and SEO. His favorite things are writing about marketing and watching the Rocky movies. He has watched them over 50 times for some reason.
Published On: August 17th, 2022 / Categories: Digital Marketing /

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